EL HERO - Version 0.3.2


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EL HERO - Version 0.3.2

Rating: 0 / 5

Installs: 100,000+

Release Date: 2024-10-30 17:50:24

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EVERY HERO DESERVES TO WIN! BETA IS ON! The first version of EL HERO has arrived and you who secured your access key can now test and share your first impressions about the game! El Hero is a 100% Brazilian Battle Royale, developed by Moonite Games! Bringing Brazilianness in every aspect, El Hero provides a unique gameplay, mechanics & environment experience for your HERO What is BETA and what can you find in this version: The beta version of EL HERO is a development phase that presents the main features and mechanics, although it is still subject to optimizations and bug fixes. At this stage, the content is limited, with some temporary elements, and the focus is on testing to identify problems, improve performance and test new mechanics. This phase is characterized by rapid iterations, where frequent changes are made based on test results. [Beta Phase] The Beta phase will bring numerous new features, stay tuned to the game's official website and platforms for more news. https://elhero.gg/ [100% Brazilian Map] Discover the game's universe and awaken that nostalgia of visiting places you've already visited outside the virtual world! [Customize your Style] Customize your avatar in several different ways, creating a unique character that stands out in the world of EL HERO. [Training Camp] An exclusive space for testing! Here you will be able to test more than ten exclusive items from the game, such as the Barricade Capsule and even the famous “Mosquito” Racket. [Important] There are no gambling options involving real money or any promise of real money winnings available in this application. More information on the game's official website and platforms. https://elhero.gg/ *EL HERO IS A FREE GAME, THE MOBILE APPLICATION WITH CASHGAME IS NOT AVAILABLE ON GOOGLE PLAY, CHECK THE GAME WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION! * Share your experience with the game with us! Let's go together, revolutionize the Battle Royale scene!

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